Sunday, 26 May 2013

Right Brain Exercises

Exercises for the right brain are activities that stimulate the creative half of your brain. In this article, I share some suggestions for fun activities that serve to stimulate the creative right brain effectively.

The human brain is split in two halves and though they seem structurally similar, they function differently. Research has revealed that the right brain is where creative and intuitive thinking has its origin, whereas the left brain contributes more to logical thinking or mathematical reasoning. Of course, every task that we perform has contribution from both sides of the brain. Some people are more left brain dominated. These people are methodical in everything they do and like to follow order and procedures. The right brain dominated types are more intuitive, visual and creative in their problem solving skills. They are the creative sort, who will come up with ideas, which are more out of the box. To develop this intuitive side, right brain exercises can be helpful.

We have no idea about what the human brain is capable of. The synergy of the right brain and left brain can help you in coming up with better solutions and make a more thorough use of your inherent skills and talents. The exercises suggested here are for the people who have a more left brain predominated personality. They need to loosen up and let go of methods and procedures, to promote creative thinking.

Right Brain Exercises For Children & Adults

Visualization, imagination and looking at things from a larger perspective are right brain functions, while detailing and methodical thinking is a left brain coordinated function. The exercises are designed to promote imaginative thinking and bring out your more creative side to the fore. You can look at them as right brain games, which incidentally are also a lot of fun. These are basically fun activities that help you loosen up and get a fresh perspective on things. Many times we focus on a problem and keep thinking on the same lines, whereas what is needed is a fresh perspective. Many times, taking a break and engaging your mind in creative right brain exercises can help you in coming up with a radical solution.

Painting & Sketching
Even if you have never handled a brush or sketched ever, you should try out painting or sketching. One reason why you should do it is that it's a lot of fun. Set yourself up with colors, brushes and a canvas or drawing pad. Sketch anything you want or let your mind wander with a paint brush. You can draw or sketch from memory or keep an object in front to sketch. Try landscapes or portraits if you want. If you are totally new to painting, just enjoy splashing colors and drawing patterns. Not only will it be a lot of fun, you will also get an idea about how well you observe.

Learning to Play Music & Singing
Learning to play any musical instrument or singing is one the best exercises. Even appreciating good music can unlock your mind. Singing is a great release for the mind. Try it out!

Sports Activities
Sports activities like baseball, table tennis and badminton or any other game can also be great right brain stimulants. Coming up with a strategy and executing it while playing a game takes a lot of visualization. You have to see yourself doing it in the mind and then you can execute it. That is why, sports is a great exercise for the right brain.

Creating & Writing Your Own Stories
The idea of this exercise is creating your own imaginary storyline and writing it. You start with a random situation and build a story out of it! It's a lot of fun. You will surprise yourself with what you can come up with, through your imagination.

Map Reading Games
This is a game that you can play which needs a lot of visualization. You study the map of a country for a few minutes and then try to visualize and locate a place that you are asked to look for. Not only will this improve your geography knowledge, it will also promote visualization.

A Visit to an Art Gallery
A visit to an art galley can be a good exercise. Try to understand the feeling conveyed by the paintings of master painters. Let your mind feast on the colors and patterns that it sees. Art appreciation can be a great right brain exercise, as you have to go beyond conventional thinking to appreciate what a painter has tried to say.

Theater Games
Theater games are also great exercises. One game that you can play is that of improvised drama. You are given a situation and a rough storyline, from which you and your group must come up with a small skit. With no written storyline, you have to rely on your imagination and improvisation skills to come up with a story and act! It can be an enjoyable and interesting activity.

These were some exercises that I have personally tried out. They help you get out of a rut which your mind can get into. Right brain exercises are great for overcoming mind blocks and dead ends in thinking. The trick is to take your mind out of known domains, into unknown territory, where it's forced to come up with a creative solution. A solution to a problem, that may have eluded you before, might just click when you have relaxed through these exercises. Try it out sometime. See for yourself what a creative interlude can do for you.

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